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Jiu-Jitsu is much more than a living art, sport, and science. It is an education of moral and physical literacy. A lifestyle that fosters breakthroughs, inspires confidence, empowers and enables you to take charge and lead under pressure; and we want to share it with you. Join us for a positive experience at London Ontario's first full-time professional Jiu-jitsu academy.

Video produced during restrictions.

Experience purpose-driven training with core values and modern teaching methods for kids, teens and adults, in a safe and fun environment.

Connect with the people that can make it happen, and book a visit today!


FEATURED Programs:

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 Kids & TEENS

Enrich your child's life with everlasting confidence, focus and discipline, in a safe and fun environment. Help them develop personal safety skills and a solid moral foundation for making good decisions for your peace of mind.


A combat grappling sport focused on strategy and physical toughness, for recreation and competition.

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An integrated and well-rounded self-protection and movement martial art that will keep you safe, fit and strong when you need it most.

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Let Our Passion Inspire You!
What people are saying

I just want to let you know how much I’m enjoying classes. I’ve been trying to get back into martial arts for over 10 years, but new schools and styles of Martials arts never felt right or motivated me. I never found the right fit. 


But, I’m loving your school and finally found that spark again to train. I look forward to each class and come home excited for the next one. 


-Blair T.

I hold Jiu-jitsu and Derek Bindner responsible for putting me on a better path in life that I am still on today. It is not only a great workout, it teaches you that when the going get’s tough and your brain is screaming at you to stop, you really can push past that and actually learn to enjoy or embrace the challenge at hand. I feel that has translated into not only me being in the best physical shape of my life, at 42 years old, I also feel I can make better decisions as a business owner and more importantly, a father. I now crave taking on new physical and mental challenges and conquering them… and then of course passing on that knowledge and mindset to my children, and others, and leading them by example.

I joined in March of 2017 and kept going for a year or more. I was not in shape… I was never an athlete and didn’t play sports at any point in my life… I didn’t know what to expect… but it was a truly life altering decision to attend that first class, and I’m very thankful I did.

-D. Davis
Business owner

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