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Adult Jiu-Jitsu



Today, one must be able maintain their physical, mental, and emotional state, read the environment, navigate fear, stress, conflict and adversity, and master the moment by mastering the breath.


Bindner Academy is an educational lifestyle school that believes in making the practice of Jiu-jitsu empowering and enjoyable for a lifetime. We focus on self-protection, personal development and leadership training. Our goal is guide to you towards a confident, safe and vibrant lifestyle - always learning, growing, and thriving.


How does Jiu-jitsu work at BJA?

Using the principles of leverage and intelligence over brute strength, our Jiu-Jitsu is about effective problem solving under pressure with functional movement. Students will learn safe methods of employing the mechanical advantage, using fulcrums and levers, body/bio mechanics, combining well-timed movements, efficiency, training methods and strategies. This type of intelligent training will not only lower the frequency and severity of injuries, but will also lower the amount of energy one expends to accomplish their objectives, and show them how to get more enjoyment out of their Jiu-jitsu training. It does not rely on strength, size, or speed, but rather on the intelligent use of strategy and technique to overcome such physical attributes. You will sweat, lose weight, decrease your body fat, develop and tone your muscles, gain flexibility and mobility, increase your balance, agility, energy and endurance levels, decrease stress, and increase your brain function, centeredness and focus. Not to mention improve your self-confidence, self-esteem, self-discipline, health and over-all mood.



Class Descriptions


Mondays @ 7:30-8:30pm FJJ = Self-protection and functional fitness.


Mondays @ 8:30-9:15pm (Mechanics LAB) An advanced scientific study of body-mechanics, efficient movement and bio-mechanics for their effectiveness.


Tuesdays @ 8-9pm BJJ = Sport grappling techniques.


Tuesdays @ 9-9:45pm (Sparring LAB) Freestyle grappling/sparring that allows students to test their knowledge, skills and abilities against a resisting opponent.


Wednesdays @ 7:30-8:30pm FJJ = Self-protection and functional fitness.


Wednesdays @ 8:30-9:15pm (Foundations LAB) Basic and fundamental movements with high-percentage techniques. Close the gaps in your training and rediscover the power of the basics.


Thursdays @ 8-9pm BJJ = Sport grappling techniques.


Thursdays @ 9-9:45pm (Sparring LAB)  Freestyle grappling/sparring that allows students to test their knowledge, skills and abilities against a resisting opponent.


Fridays @ 12-1pm  Executive BJJ = Ages 35+ interested in longevity by increasing their mobility, endurance, flexibility, durability and cognitive ability, while minimizing the risk of injury.


Fridays @ 1-1:30pm (Active Recovery LAB) Purposeful movement, stretching, and breathwork to enhance performance, health, longevity and over all wellbeing.


Saturdays @ 10-11am FJJ focusing on striking and self-defense grappling.


Saturdays @ 11-11:30am (Sparring LAB) Freestyle grappling/sparring that allows students to test their knowledge, skills and abilities against a resisting opponent.


Daily and weekly private lessons are available.


We Teach:

1) Safety First (minimum risk, with maximum reward)

2) Leverage (minimum input, with maximum return)

3) Simplicity (practical and functional over fancy)

What People Are Saying

Jack M. Scott, Ph.D.

I strongly encourage anyone who wants to improve in their confidence, stamina, and physical and mental well-being to consider Jiu-jitsu.  It is an amazing martial art that can be performed by anyone of almost any age.  Sensei Bindner and the other teachers provide exceptional care and attention to help you reach your goals – whether it be obtaining your next belt or a black belt.  They are truly sincere in their efforts and make each class an enjoyable and wonderful learning experience.  I wish I had started when I was younger!!



Andrea McIntyre

“Sensei Bindner is a dedicated, patient, generous and skillful leader who sets a tone of respect and courtesy in everything he does. His discipline, compassion and professionalism evoke the best in the people around him. His expertise produces the highest quality results. Whether you are looking for a dojo to join, or a specialized training program for your agency, Derek Bindner can provide excellence in every aspect of program delivery. He has the uncommon ability to teach and engage students of all ages and aptitudes, and to inspire people to engage and experience the rewards of effort.”


D. Davis, Business Owner

I hold Jiu-jitsu and Sensei Derek Bindner responsible for putting me on a better path in life that I am still on today. It is not only a great workout, it teaches you that when the going get’s tough and your brain is screaming at you to stop, you really can push past that and actually learn to enjoy or embrace the challenge at hand. I feel that has translated into not only me being in the best physical shape of my life, at 42 years old, I also feel I can make better decisions as a business owner and more importantly, a father. I now crave taking on new physical and mental challenges and conquering them… and then of course passing on that knowledge and mindset to my children, and others, and leading them by example.


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